Common Characteristics of Mechanical Flap
- This Mechanical Flap design is synchronised with Press Ram
movement proving To-Fro motion for Scrap / Component extraction.
- As Mechanical interlinking is done with respect to Flap functionality,
change in speed of Power Press gets auto reflected into Flap
- This design is easily suited with change in inclination angle based on
requirement as per design standard
- Eliminates the need of Scrap / Component manual (human involved)
removal in each stroke saving operation time cycle and provides
capability for the operator to run the operation uninterrupted in a
continuous manner.
Topview layout

Isometric layout

*Shown only for easy reference purposes and may vary based on the actual component.
Parameters | Unit | AMPF-100 | AMPF-150 | AMPF-200 |
Press Stroke. | mm | 100 | 150 | 200 |
Press Speed Max. | mm | 100 | 75 | 50 |
Flap Stroke Max. | mm | 150 | 300 | 500 |
Flap Width. | mm | 100 | 150 | 200 |
*The contents are subject to change by manufacturer without prior notice.